Creating a Better Happy Path with JTBD Journeys

Chaz Mee
3 min readMar 21, 2022

In my last template series (, I wrote about a visualize / describe exercise using a concept called ETA.

This week I thought I would use that same concept to start to break it down and begin to articulate a jobs based journey to show you how to go from concept to service.

Why a Jobs Journey?

  1. It informs a better “moments that matter” journey.
  2. It helps in breaking a concept into a real service.
  3. It can begin to inform further customer research.

The ETA Journey

Ok, so let’s use our ETA concept from the last series as a jumping off point. As a reminder, here is the ETA concept:

Mapping Out the Key Moments

We will use the situation to create the key moments of the journey. Here is a jobs story as a refresher:

When I’m_______(situation)______ asks: where am I & who am I?

